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Free Clinic of Central Virginia, Inc.

1016 Main Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504

(434) 847-5866

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Contact Information

(434) 847-5866

Who We Are

The Free Clinic of Central Virginia serves low-income (200% of the federal poverty level or lower) persons without health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid for the service being requested. General medical, dental, and pharmaceutical services are provided on-site. Clinics available include Allergy, diabetes, gastroenterology, gynecology, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, dermatology, podiatry, and orthopedics.  Prescriptions are available through these medical providers for a small fee, each. For more information visit our website.

The Free Clinic is not a walk-in clinic. All services are by appointment. Services are provided by volunteers and are limited by the availability of our volunteer providers.

New patients must be screened for eligibility.  Call for an eligibility screening appointment. Limited Spanish is spoken.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Amherst County
Appomattox County
Bedford County
Campbell County
Lynchburg City
Nelson County
Pittsylvania County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Fee Structure
No Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Other Eligibility Criteria
May NOT have health insurance.

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm by appointment only. Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 - 6:30 pm for signing in and walk-ins.

Intake Process
Call the office for more information and to make an appointment for financial screening.
Self Refer
Intake Contact Email

Report Problems
Call the Agency