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Arlington County Health Department

2110 Washington Boulevard, Suite 350
Arlington, VA 22204

(703) 228-7400

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Who We Are

The Environmental Health Bureau's activities consist of reviewing architect plans and conducting inspections of restaurants and swimming pool facilities, issuing health licenses, massage therapy licenses, providing educational services, investigating complaints, and enforcing codes and ordinances.  A number of the Environmental Health Bureau's programs concerning retail food, on-site sewage disposal, swimming pools, and hotels and motels are mandated by local ordinances and state codes.

Several other programs in the Bureau are offered as a service to the residents of the County.  These consist of a low-cost rabies vaccination clinic, rodent and mosquito surveillance, cockroach and bed bug information and treatment, information and prevention of Lyme disease, bat exposures and bites, information about household mold and lead, and water safety.

Applications for various permits and licenses may be downloaded from the website.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Arlington County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Fee Structure
Fixed Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Residency Requirements
Services are for residents of Arlington

Available 24/7

Intake Process
Visit the website, stop by or call for more information.
Self Refer
Provider Refer

Report Problems
Call the Agency