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Remote Area Medical (RAM)

State Route 680
Wise, VA 24293

(865) 579-2555

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Contact Information

(865) 579-2555

Who We Are

Remote Area Medical (RAM) provides medical care through mobile clinics in underserved, isolated, or impoverished communities. Most clinics provide general medical, dental, vision, preventive care, and education unless otherwise indicated such as veterinarian services. 

RAM will hold clinics at Wise County Fairgrounds July 21-23, 2017.   The patient parking lot will open no later than midnight. Numbered patient admission tickets will be given out beginning at 3 AM, one ticket per patient. Clinic doors will open at 6 AM. Patients will be admitted in numerical order by ticket # and a ticket is required for admission. Services are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Basic services can include dental, vision, medical, prevention and education.  Due to time constraints, be prepared to choose between dental and vision.  Dental and vision care are not available on the same day.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Wise County

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Intake Process
Call for information; Obtain ticket to be seen by medical personnel. There will be a long wait because service is at a first come, first served basis. Bring water, food and book or game for your wait time. Also bring all medications that you take. No proof of income or residency is necessary.
Self Refer
Provider Refer