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Augusta Health Primary Care

53 South Medical Park Drive
Fishersville, VA 22939

(540) 332-5687

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Contact Information

(540) 332-5687
(800) 932-0262

Who We Are

Augusta Health Primary Care, Fishersville, is a family practice office staffed by a Board Certified Family Practitioner and support staff. Some lab work is done on-site and other lab work is sent to an external lab with results usually being available the next business day. Most medical situations can be successfully managed on-site. Referral to specialists may at times be considered appropriate. Should hospitalization be needed, they admit to Augusta Medical Center (AMC).

Augusta Health Primary Care provides the following services: Women's health care including PAP and breast exams and birth control; physicals; EKG's; Off-site radiology services; A full range of outpatient laboratory testing; Acute illness care; Minor emergencies (lacerations, injuries, etc.); Free blood pressure checks; Immunizations; Workers injuries; Allergy care; Medical service is available 24 hours a day through the answering service.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Augusta County
Staunton City
Waynesboro City

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Call for Information

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Available 24/7

Intake Process
Call the office
Self Refer

Report Problems
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