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VCU Community Memorial Hospital Home Health and Hospice

300 East Ferrell Street
South Hill, VA 23970

(434) 774-2457

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Contact Information

(434) 774-2457

Who We Are

VCU Community Memorial Hospital (CMH) Home Health provides skilled nursing services and comprehensive health care services to eligible clients in their place of residence. Services offered include: skilled nursing; nursing assistants; physical therapy; occupational therapy; speech therapy; medical social worker; nutritional and pharmacy consults. Provides a transition from hospital discharge to home when skilled care is still required. Services are rendered on an intermittent basis under the direction of a physician. Skilled assessment within 48 hours of referral or discharge from the hospital.

The mandatory eligibility criteria includes:

  •     Live in Mecklenburg, Lunenburg, Brunswick, or southern Nottoway County.
  •     Be able to care to one's basic needs or have a caregiver.
  •     Be under the care of a physician who orders home care.
  •     Have a condition that requires intermittent skilled services (nursing, physical or speech therapy.)
  •     The home environment is suitable for patient care needs.
  •     Patient must be homebound.
  •     Services required must be within CMH Home Health Care's resources.




Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Brunswick County
Lunenburg County
Mecklenburg County
Nottoway County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Fee Range

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Other Eligibility Criteria
Open to all age groups requiring skilled services who live in Brunswick, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg Counties

Available 24/7

Intake Process
Referrals from physicians, discharge planners and community. Requires a physician to sign certification orders
Provider Refer
Intake Contact
Judy Beall

Qualification Type
Qualification Entity
Qualification Number
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