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Countryside Family Practice

8255 East Main Street
Marshall, VA 20115

(540) 364-7611

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Contact Information

(540) 364-7611

Who We Are

Countryside Family Practice provides primary care for the family, including pediatric and geriatric care.  Services can include routine physicals, immunizations, including flu, hepatitis and tetanus, sports physicals, pediatric care, geriatric care, EKG, X-rays, pulmonary function testing, hearing and vision screening, laboratory testing, exercise treadmill tests, flexible Signoidoscopy/Colon screening, and more.

Geriatric assessment can include cognitive assessment, ADL and IADL assessment, functional assessment and medication assessment (both prescriptions and over-the-counter). Also offered are physical exam, nutritional and diet review, checking for sensory impairment, evaluation of falls, testing for depression and memory loss, osteoporosis evaluation, evaluation and management of incontinence, screening for elder abuse, domestic violence, vision impairment and anxiety.

Practitioners are Dr. Norris Royston, Jr, Dr. Kevin Olson, Dr. Thuy Lan T. Olson and Dr. Bob Houska.


Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Fauquier County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Fixed Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Other Eligibility Criteria
All ages

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Open 3 Saturdays out of 7. A doctor is on call 24/7 to handle emergencies

Intake Process
Visit the website for information. Call to make an appointment
Self Refer
Provider Refer

Report Problems
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