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Lewis Gale Hospital Montgomery

3700 South Main Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060

(540) 951-1111

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Contact Information

(540) 951-1111

Who We Are

Lewis Gale Hospital at Montgomery is a full service inpatient hospital with 146 beds. Some of the services available are emergency care, surgical services, medical care, oncology, cardiovascular services, breast health center, diagnostic imaging, heartburn treatment center, occupational medicine, nutritional counseling, and more. Call for details.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Floyd County
Montgomery County
Pulaski County
Roanoke City
Roanoke County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Fee Range

Other Eligibility Criteria
Open to all

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Care is provided 24/7

Intake Process
Please call for information. Also visit the website for general information.
Intake Contact
General Information

Qualification Type
Qualification Entity
Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Qualification Number
HCO ID: 6330
Report Problems
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