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Chesapeake Care Clinic

2145 South Military Hwy
Chesapeake, VA 23320

(757) 545-5700

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Contact Information

(757) 545-5700

Who We Are

Chesapeake Care Clinic can provide free health care to families without health insurance earning below 300% of the federal poverty income guideline.

Current services include medical and dental care, medications, lab and diagnostic testing, case management, diabetic clinic, health education, follow-up, preventive care, and support groups for Chesapeake residents and dental services for uninsured, low-income individuals residing throughout Hampton Roads.

They rely heavily on the generosity of on-site licensed volunteers, medical assistants, and clerical volunteers supported by a skeleton staff. Over 100 volunteer physicians in the community offer specialty care and consultations on a referral basis. Partnerships with area hospitals, diagnostic centers, community agencies, and donors are critical to the ability to serve patients each day.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Chesapeake City
Franklin City
Gloucester County
Hampton City
Isle of Wight County
James City County
Mathews County
Newport News City
Norfolk City
Poquoson City
Portsmouth City
Southampton County
Suffolk City
Surry County
Virginia Beach City
Williamsburg City
York County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Fee Structure
No Fee

Residency Requirements
Resident of Hampton Roads
Other Eligibility Criteria
Income 300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines; no health insurance; parent/guardian permission if under 18.

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Closed Saturday-Monday

Intake Process
Telephone referral; walk-ins accepted; appointment (daytime) required; address & income verification required.
Self Refer

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