Contact Information
Who We Are
The Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center of Northern Virginia Center recycles used eyeglasses and provides them to optical missions sponsored by Lions clubs and other groups that distribute donated eye eyeglasses to needy people. Volunteers do the work and conduct the business of the Center.
You can donate eyeglasses by depositing them in a Lions Club eyeglass drop-off location, sending them to the Center, or dropping them off at the Center.
Ship or mail your donation. If shipping by UPS or FedEx, please indicate a “shipper’s release,” that is, instructions to UPS or FedEx to deliver the package without requiring s signature.
To obtain recycled eyeglasses from the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center of Northern Virginia, complete an Eyeglass Request Form. Complete the form in its entirety, then mail, e-mail, or Fax it to the Center at the numbers and addresses shown on the form. If you need assistance completing the form, the Center staff is available to assist you.