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Didlake, Inc.

8111 Shore Drive
Norfolk, VA 23518

(757) 583-6591

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Contact Information

(757) 583-6591
(866) 361-4195

Who We Are

Didlake, Inc. provides employment services to individuals with disabilities who are funded through the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), local CSBs, and the DD Medicaid Waiver. Supported employment services include  Individual Supported Employment (ISE) or as Group Supported Employment (GSE). Each provides a different level of service to achieve a successful employment outcome. ISE Services provide support by an Employment Specialist on a one-to-one basis to meet the need of each individual in a supported employment position. GSE Services provide continuous support by staff for eight or fewer individuals in a work crew model.

Additional employment services include:

  • career exploration services,
  • situational assessments,
  • job development services,
  • job placement and training services,
  • natural supports,
  • specialized support services,
  • ongoing services.

Didlake, Inc. is an Employment Network (EN) participant in the Ticket to Work Program providing Follow-Along Support Services and ongoing benefits planning for Ticket to Work Program participants.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Halifax County
Hampton City
Newport News City
Norfolk City
Portsmouth City

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Community Living Waiver
Fee Structure
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Age Requirements
18 and over
Other Eligibility Criteria
Serves adults with intellectual, developmental, sensory, mental and physical disabilities.

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Program hours may vary.

Intake Process
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Documents Required
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Provider Refer
Intake Contact Email
Intake Contact Telephone
(866) 361-4195

Qualification Type
Qualification Entity
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
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