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Mary Washington Healthcare, Stafford Hospital

101 Hospital Center Boulevard
Stafford, VA 22554

(540) 741-1041

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Contact Information

(540) 741-1041
(855) 300-4857

Who We Are

A financial counseling specialist is available to review your account to determine the level of assistance Mary Washington Healthcare (MWHC) at Stafford Hospital can offer.  We first determine if you are eligible for financial assistance. If you are ineligible, we will review your account to see if you are eligible for a discount.  If you cannot pay the entire amount of the bill, we may set up a plan so you can pay your bill over time.

Your care is medically necessary, and one of the following applies to you:

  • You have no health insurance, or
  • You have health insurance but your medical care is a non-covered service, or
  • You are not eligible for government health benefits, such as Medicaid, or
  • You cannot pay for medical care based on Mary Washington Healthcare policy.


Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Culpeper County
Orange County
Prince William County
Spotsylvania County
Stafford County

Cost & Payment Methods

Fee Structure
Fee Range

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Available 24/7

Intake Process
If you have concerns regarding your ability to pay your balance, please contact us at 540.741.1041 or 800.395.2455. Contact a financial counselor to discuss Patient Financial Assistance.
Self Refer

Report Problems
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