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Visiting Physicians Association (VPA)

7229 Forest Avenue, suite 111
Richmond, VA 23230

(804) 767-4441

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Contact Information

(804) 767-4441
(855) 803-9352

Who We Are

Visiting Physicians make house calls or home visits.  Services include:

  • Comprehensive review of your medical history, physical exam and ongoing treatment of medical conditions.
  • Medication management and refills
  • Laboratory Services and portable diagnostic testing performed in your home
  • Referral to physical therapy and specialized rehabilitation services.
  • Coordination of all home care services and medical equipment
  • Community placement consultations
  • Physician review for authorizations.

We accept most insurances. Deductibles and/or co-payments required for medical services are handled in the same way a s a trip to a physician's office.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Charles City County
Chesterfield County
Goochland County
Hanover County
Henrico County
New Kent County
Richmond City

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Fixed Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Intake Process
Visit the website; call the office
Self Refer
Provider Refer

Report Problems
Call the Agency