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Congregate Meals

Programs that provide nutritious meals in a group setting such as a meal site or senior center.

Congregate Meals

Judeo-Christian Outreach Center
1053 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA, 23451
Main: (757) 491-2846 Fax: (757) 425-2607

Brunswick County Adult Center

Lake Country Area Agency on Aging
1105 West Danville Street, South Hill, VA, 23970
Main: (434) 848-3100 Toll Free: (800) 252-4464

Chase City Meal Site

Lake Country Area Agency on Aging
1105 West Danville Street, South Hill, VA, 23970
Main: (434) 917-9370 Toll Free: (800) 252-4464

Clarksville Presbyterian Church

Lake Country Area Agency on Aging
1105 West Danville Street, South Hill, VA, 23970
Main: (434) 917-9370 Toll Free: (800) 252-4464

Mecklenburg Senior Citizens Center

Lake Country Area Agency on Aging
1105 West Danville Street, South Hill, VA, 23970
Main: (434) 447-4359 Toll Free: (800) 252-4464

Nutrition and Congregate Meals

Linwood Robinson Senior Center
700 North 26th Street, Richmond, VA, 23223
Main: (804) 646-3115 Fax: (804) 646-4510

Congregate Meals, Food Assistance

Lynchburg Daily Bread
721 Clay Street, P.O. Box 2357, Lynchburg, VA, 24504
Main: (434) 845-5703 Fax: (434) 845-5411

Congregate Meals, Williamsburg

Peninsula Agency on Aging, Inc.
100 Parker View Court, Williamsburg, VA, 23188
Main: (757) 345-0896 Fax: (757) 345-2367

Dining Program, Hampton

Peninsula Agency on Aging, Inc.
2200 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, VA, 23666
Main: (757) 873-0541 Fax: (757) 873-1437

Group Dining

Peninsula Agency on Aging, Inc.
739 Thimble Shoals Blvd Suite 1006, Newport News, VA, 23606
Main: (757) 873-0541 Fax: (757) 873-1437

Congregate Meals

Pittsylvania County Community Action
18 South Main Street, P.O. Box 1119, Chatham, VA, 24531
Main: (434) 432-9232 Fax: (434) 432-3729

Congregate Meals

Pulaski Daily Bread
408 North Jefferson Avenue, P.O. Box 824,, Pulaski, VA, 24301
Main: (540) 980-2131 Toll Free: (540) 994-9380 Fax: (540) 982-2132

Dining Room Program, Lunch Meals

Radford-Fairlawn Daily Bread
501 Second Street, Radford, VA, 24141
Main: (540) 639-0290 Fax: (540) 963-9022

Congregate Meals, Hospitality Dining Room

Rescue Mission Ministries
402 Fourth St., SE, PO Box 11525, Roanoke, VA, 24003
Main: (540) 343-7227 Fax: (540) 344-4387

Daily Lunch

Richmond Friends of the Homeless
4600 Jaydee Drive, Moseley, VA, 23120
Main: (804) 608-0971 Fax: (804) 743-9089


Social Action Center, Inc.
230 33rd Street, Newport News, VA, 23607
Main: (757) 380-1574 Fax: (757) 245-0039

Congregate Meals, Preston Community Center

Southern Area Agency on Aging
Mealsite: Preston Comm. Ctr. 215 Westland Drive, Martinsville, VA, 24112
Main: (276) 632-6442 Toll Free: (800) 468-4571 Fax: (276) 632-6252

Harvest Banquet, Weekly Outreach Dinner to Homeless

Streetlight Community Outreach
1550 Prince William Parkway, Woodbridge, VA, 22191-4257
Main: (703) 491-2288

Noon Meal

The Fellowship Church
5105 Ararat Highway, Ararat, VA, 24053
Fax: (276) 251-5879

Congregate Meals

Thrive Virginia
12025 Courthouse Circle, New Kent, VA, 23124
Main: (804) 966-8720

Senior Lunch Club

United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, Inc.
2700 Spring Road, Newport News, VA, 23606
Main: (757) 930-1422 Fax: (757) 930-3762

Congregate Meals

W. W. Scott Senior Citizen Center
307 South Park Street, Marion, VA, 24354
Main: (276) 783-8411 Fax: (276) 783-8413

Statewide and Nationwide

Congregate Meals

Programs that provide nutritious meals in a group setting such as a meal site or senior center.

Congregate Meals Referral

DARS, Office for Aging Services, Division of Community Living
1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Richmond, VA, 23229
Main: (804) 662-9333 Toll Free: (800) 552-3402 Fax: (804) 662-9354